Terms of Use


Welcome to DAUS Product Partners' Portal. In order to serve you better, the use of our site is subject to the guidelines and conditions below. These guidelines and conditions are applicable to such service that you may receive at DAUS Product Partners' Portal. By visiting this site, you accept our conditions and agree to be bound by them. Please review them carefully. 

Privacy Notice

We respect the privacy of our clients. Please review our entire Privacy Policy to learn how we protect our customers' privacy and how we use information we learn from our customers.

Copyright and Copyright Complaints

The compilation of all content on this site, DAUS Product Partners' Portal, is the exclusive property of DAUS Product Partners' Portal, or those parties affiliated with DAUS Product Partners' Portal that supply such content under an agreement with DAUS Product Partners' Portal. The content of this site includes but is not limited to software sold and used on this site, data and data scripts, all text and descriptions, logotypes and trademarks, buttons and banners, images, clips, downloads, graphic elements, and design elements. The aforementioned content in its entirety is protected by United States of America and International copyright laws.

We value and respect the intellectual property rights of other entities and individuals. Should you or your affiliates reasonably believe that any of your work has been presented or copied in the way that violates the copyright laws, please contact in writing at the address provided below. Please include such information that is necessary to identify the subject of the infringement and your relationship to the owner of the copyright or other type of intellectual property. 


DAUS Product Partners' Portal related trademarks:
text scripts, graphics elements, logotypes, headers and banners, images and buttons, trade uniform and dress, and trade aliases are trademarks and registered trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. These trademarks and trade aliases may not be used in any manner that may damage and/or misinform DAUS Product Partners' Portal, its affiliates, customers, or patrons, or harm the reputation of DAUS Product Partners' Portal in any manner. 

Other trademarks:
All other trade aliases, registered and unregistered trademarks that appear on our site are the property of their respective owners. These trademark holders may or may not be allied, connected, associated, or otherwise involved with DAUS Product Partners' Portal.

Product Descriptions and Appearances

DAUS Product Partners' Portal strives to provide product descriptions and images that reflect the product's specification as accurately as possible. However, DAUS Product Partners' Portal does not warrant against the misjudgment or miscomprehension due to screen quality of color and resolution. Furthermore, DAUS Product Partners' Portal does not guaranty or warrant against the absence of inaccuracy, error, omissions, or lack of reliability and updates in product description or imagery.

If you reasonably believe that the product purchased through DAUS Product Partners' Portal is not as it is presented, your only remedy is to return the product unused and in resalable condition subject to all terms and conditions of our Delivery Policy.


DAUS Product Partners' Portal strives to provide consistently low and competitive prices on this site. However, DAUS Product Partners' Portal does not guarantee that the prices provided on this site match the prevailing market prices in any particular region at any particular time. The list prices provided on this site represent "open-stock" prices derived on the basis of the manufacturer's suggested retail prices, supplier's suggested retail price or retail product value calculated by DAUS Product Partners' Portal in accordance to standard industry practices.

The shopping cart will contain the most recent prices available for the item or items being purchased. All prices that are displayed at the time of check-out are final and will be charged accordingly. Occasionally, pricing may be misprinted to show lower or higher price. In the event of such mistake or omission, DAUS Product Partners' Portal will, at our discretion, either contact you with explanation of the mistake or omission and instructions on how to adjust your order or cancel your order before the order enters in a shipping process.

All prices on this site are provided in US Dollars. All purchases made on this site are charged in US Dollars. All prices are subject to change without notice. Some discounts offered on this site are limited-time offers and subject to availability.


This site is provided for use on "as is" and "as available" basis only. DAUS Product Partners' Portal does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, products, contents, materials, processes disclosed, or apparatus either in expressed or in implied manner. By visiting this site, you explicitly agree to utilize this site at your own risk.

Further, to the extent allowable by all applicable laws, DAUS Product Partners' Portal specifically disclaims any warranty or guaranty including but not limited that this site, the site's servers, electronic communications, software, FAQ, product manuals and the compilation of all content provided on and within this site are free of viruses and other harmful elements. DAUS Product Partners' Portal make neither representation, either express or implied, nor guaranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

DAUS Product Partners' Portal will not be held liable for direct, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind arising from use of or in connection with this site, or any damages whatsoever, included but not limited to the loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage.

Some of the above limitations and exclusions on implied warranties or damages may not apply to you because certain states do not allow these limitations and exclusions. If you reside in one of those states, you may have additional rights with connection to the above disclaimers.

Electronic Communications, Reviews, Comments, Communications, and Other Content

Customer-provided Content:
We welcome your customer' input and invite your feedback, comments, and testimonials. You may post content such as customer's reviews, comments, ideas or suggestions, on this site. To maintain courteous and pleasant environment, any content you post on this site will be governed by the following conditions:

·         The content you post shall not be illegal, offensive, discriminating in any manner, defamatory, or contain any types of materials that may qualify as "spam"; further, any posted content shall not contain obscenities, threats, or invasions of privacy of any person or entity;

·         By posting your content on this site you authenticate that you are in full control, and have full rights to the content posted, and that you do not infringe anyone's or any entity's intellectual property rights by posting your content on this site.

·         You indemnify DAUS Product Partners' Portal from any injuries or damages that may arise from the content that you provided.

·         You may not impersonate or imitate any person or entity, or supply false e-mail address, or credit information.

DAUS Product Partners' Portal periodically reviews the content posted by our visitors. DAUS Product Partners' Portal reserves the right to remove or edit any content that we may find offensive, injurious, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate as deemed by DAUS Product Partners' Portal. However, DAUS Product Partners' Portal does not carry the obligation to review and edit the content supplied by visitors and customers.

Further, by posting you content on this site, you agree to give us the royalty-free, irrevocable, permanent, and nonexclusive right to:

·         Use of any and all content you provide in a manner we deem acceptable;

·         Reprint, republish, display, and advertise the content you supply in any media at our sole discretion;

·         Sublicense, adapt, modify, edit, derive from, translate, and distribute the content you supplied in a manner deemed acceptable to DAUS Product Partners' Portal;

·         Use your name as provided with the content in connection with any action taken upon such content.

Electronic Communications:
By visiting this site, posting content or communicating with us via e-mail, you consent to receiving communications by DAUS Product Partners' Portal electronically. You further agree that DAUS Product Partners' Portal may communicate with you by e-mail, or by posting notices on this site. You also agree that all such electronic communication including but not limited to e-mails, disclosures, notices, agreements, and policies carry the same legal value and satisfy the same legal requirement as any such and similar communications made in writing.

Site Policies, Modification, and Severability

There are other policies that govern the access and usage of this site. These policies are freely available for you to review. DAUS Product Partners' Portal reserves the right to edit, remove, change our site and all policies of this site including these Terms & Conditions if this site or its policies are found to be unacceptable for any reason including but not limited to unsoundness, lack of enforceability, or presence of conflict with other conditions acceptable to DAUS Product Partners' Portal. In the event the conditions are found unsound, null, or unenforceable, these conditions will be considered null and void and will not affect the validity and the right of enforcement by Bike2Power.com of any enduring conditions.

License and Site Access

DAUS Product Partners' Portal grants you a revocable, nonexclusive, and a limited access license to this site without the right to edit, modify, change, make personal or commercial use of any portion of this site including but not limited to the content of this site, its logotypes, trademarks, descriptions, listings, pricing, texts, data, scripts, and all other elements of this site, further deemed as the "compilation of its content".
This limited license further excludes the following unless an express written permission has been given to you by DAUS Product Partners' Portal:

·         copying, downloading, or reproducing this site in its entirety or any portion of this site;

·         any derivation, extension, or modification of this site and the compilation of its content;

·         using any and all known and available data gathering tools;

·         associating with DAUS Product Partners' Portal without the written consent of DAUS Product Partners' Portal;

·         Associating with DAUS Product Partners' Portal and this site in a manner that may be misleading, damaging, defamatory, or otherwise injurious to DAUS Product Partners' Portal;

·         Using any trademarks or graphics of this site or the compilation of its content in you hyperlink to the DAUS Product Partners' Portal homepage.

DAUS Product Partners' Portal reserves the right to terminate your access license to this site at any time if you found to use this site in the manner that has not been authorized or otherwise permitted by DAUS Product Partners' Portal.

Risk of Loss

By purchasing from this site, you expressly agree that the title and risk of loss for the item or items purchased is transferred to you upon our delivery of this item or these items to the selected carrier.

Further, when you utilize this site, you carry full responsibility for restricting use of the medium with which you access this site, and maintaining confidentiality of the user name and password you use on this site. You further agree to accept all liabilities for any activity occurring under the use of your username and password.

Legal Purchasing Age

While we may sell product that may be used by adolescents under the age of 18, we do not sell products to anyone under the age of 18. If any product is purchased for a minor under the age of 18, an adult age 18 or over must complete the transaction and supply his or her information as required by DAUS Product Partners' Portal for the completion of a purchase.

DAUS Product Partners' Portal reserves the right to remove or cancel any account opened or orders made by any person under the age of 18 years old.

Applicable Laws

By utilizing this site, you agree to that the laws of State of California govern the terms and conditions of use of this site. By visiting this site, you expressly agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the court of the State of California. You further agree that the laws of State of California will preside over any possible resolution of any dispute that may arise from visiting or using this site. 

Dispute Resolutions

All claims related to or connected with the use of this site or product obtained through this site will be submitted to arbitration in the State of California. The arbitration will be conducted based on the rules and regulation of American Arbitration Association prevailing at such time and date. All arbitration rulings will be binding and may be submitted to be entered for judgment. Any such arbitration may not be joined with another arbitration or become a part of any class-action arbitration.

In the unlikely event that the arbitration process is unsuccessful in resolving the dispute under the laws of the State of California, then the legal procedures may ensue governed by the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of California. The prevailing party shall be awarded and fully reimbursed for all cost directly associated with such legal procedures and attorneys' fees and costs.

In the event DAUS Product Partners' Portal feels that its intellectual property rights are threatened or misused, DAUS Product Partners' Portal reserves the right to seek injunctive measures against any such threat or misuse to the fullest extent allowable by the applicable laws of State of California. 


Our Address

Please direct your questions and inquiries to:

Attn: Partners Care
12400 Ventura Blvd. 1334
Studio City, CA 91604

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DAUS Products Partners' Portal © 2024